GitHub Actions TIC-TAC TOE Game

In today’s fast-paced world of software development, automation is the name of the game. GitHub Actions is the ace up the sleeve of modern developers, enabling them to streamline their daily workflows in practical and impactful ways. In this article, we’ll explore how GitHub Actions is making a real difference in real-life scenarios.

From Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) to code quality assurance and security scanning, GitHub Actions brings automation to every aspect of the development process. With custom workflows, enhanced collaboration, and release management, this tool empowers developers to be more efficient, reliable, and productive. Discover how GitHub Actions is not just a concept but a transformative solution in the daily lives of developers.


YouTube video for this project:

EKS Video:

To launch an AWS EC2 instance with Ubuntu 22.04 using the AWS Management Console, sign in to your AWS account, access the EC2 dashboard, and click “Launch Instances.” In “Step 1,” select “Ubuntu 22.04” as the AMI, and in “Step 2,” choose “t2.medium” as the instance type. Configure the instance details, storage, tags, and security group settings according to your requirements. Review the settings, create or select a key pair for secure access, and launch the instance. Once launched, you can connect to it via SSH using the associated key pair.

Navigate to AWS CONSOLE

Click the “Search” field.

Type “IAM enter

Click “Roles”

Click “Create role”

Click “AWS service”

Click “Choose a service or use case”

Click “EC2”

Click “Next”

Click the “Search” field.

Add permissions policies

Administrator Access (or) EC2 full access

AmazonS3FullAccess and EKS Full access

click Next

Click the “Role name” field.

Type “Jenkins-cicd”


Click “EC2”

Go to the instance and add this role to the Ec2 instance.

Select instance –> Actions –> Security –> Modify IAM role

Add a newly created Role and click on Update IAM role.

Go to GitHub and click on Settings –> Actions –> Runners

Click on New self-hosted runner

Now select Linux and Architecture X64

Use the below commands to add a self-hosted runner

Go to Putty or Mobaxtreme and connect to your ec2 instance

And paste the commands


mkdir actions-runner && cd actions-runner

The command “mkdir actions-runner && cd actions-runner” is used to create a new directory called “actions-runner” in the current working directory and then immediately change the current working directory to the newly created “actions-runner” directory. This allows you to organize your files and perform subsequent actions within the newly created directory without having to navigate to it separately.

curl -o actions-runner-linux-x64-2.310.2.tar.gz -L

This command downloads a file called “actions-runner-linux-x64-2.310.2.tar.gz” from a specific web address on GitHub and saves it in your current directory.

Let’s validate the hash installation

echo "fb28a1c3715e0a6c5051af0e6eeff9c255009e2eec6fb08bc2708277fbb49f93  actions-runner-linux-x64-2.310.2.tar.gz" | shasum -a 256 -c

Now Extract the installer

tar xzf ./actions-runner-linux-x64-2.310.2.tar.gz

Let’s configure the runner

./ --url --token A2MXW4323ALGB72GGLH34NLFGI2T4

If you provide multiple labels use commas for each label

Let’s start runner


Let’s close Runner for now.

ctrl + c  #to close

Connect to your Ec2 instance using Putty, Mobaxtreme or Git bash and install docker on it.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
newgrp docker
sudo chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock

Pull the SonarQube Docker image and run it.

After the docker installation, we will create a Sonarqube container (Remember to add 9000 ports in the security group).

docker run -d --name sonar -p 9000:9000 sonarqube:lts-community

Now copy the IP address of the ec2 instance


Provide Login and password

login admin
password admin

Update your Sonarqube password & This is the Sonarqube dashboard

Integrating SonarQube with GitHub Actions allows you to automatically analyze your code for quality and security as part of your continuous integration pipeline.

We already have Sonarqube up and running

On Sonarqube Dashboard click on Manually

Next, provide a name for your project and provide a Branch name and click on setup

On the next page click on With GitHub actions

This will Generate an overview of the Project and provide some instructions to integrate

Let’s Open your GitHub and select your Repository

In my case it is Netflix-clone and Click on Settings

Search for Secrets and variables and click on and again click on actions

It will open a page like this click on New Repository secret

Now go back to Your Sonarqube Dashboard

Copy SONAR_TOKEN and click on Generate Token

Click on Generate

Let’s copy the Token and add it to GitHub secrets

Now go back to GitHub and Paste the copied name for the secret and token


Secret: Paste Your Token and click on Add secret

Now go back to the Sonarqube Dashboard

Copy the Name and Value

Go to GitHub now and paste-like this and click on add secret

Our Sonarqube secrets are added and you can see

Go to Sonarqube Dashboard and click on continue

Now create your Workflow for your Project. In my case, the Netflix project is built using React Js. That’s why I am selecting Other

Now it Generates and workflow for my Project

(Use your files for this block please)

Go back to GitHub. click on Add file and then create a new file

Go back to the Sonarqube dashboard and copy the file name and content

Here file name (in my case only )

The content to add to the file is (copied from the above image)


Add in GitHub like this (sample images)

Let’s add our workflow

To do that click on Add file and then click on Create a new file

Here is the file name

.github/workflows/build.yml  #you can use any name iam using sonar.yml

Copy content and add it to the file

name: Build,Analyze,scan
      - main
    name: Build
    runs-on: [self-hosted]
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0  # Shallow clones should be disabled for a better relevancy of analysis
      - name: Build and analyze with SonarQube
        uses: sonarsource/sonarqube-scan-action@master
          SONAR_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}
          SONAR_HOST_URL: ${{ secrets.SONAR_HOST_URL }}

Click on commit changes

Now workflow is created.

Start again GitHub actions runner from instance

cd actions-runner

Click on Actions now

Now it’s automatically started the workflow

Let’s click on Build and see what are the steps involved

Click on Run Sonarsource and you can do this after the build completion

Build complete.

Go to the Sonarqube dashboard and click on projects and you can see the analysis

If you want to see the full report, click on issues.

  1. Install Java 17:
    • Install Temurin (formerly Adoptium) JDK 17.
  2. Install Trivy (Container Vulnerability Scanner).
  3. Install Terraform.
  4. Install kubectl (Kubernetes command-line tool).
  5. Install AWS CLI (Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface).
  6. Install Node.js 16 and npm.

The script automates the installation of these software tools commonly used for development and deployment.


sudo apt update -y
sudo touch /etc/apt/keyrings/adoptium.asc
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/adoptium.asc
echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/adoptium.asc] $(awk -F= '/^VERSION_CODENAME/{print$2}' /etc/os-release) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/adoptium.list
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install temurin-17-jdk -y
/usr/bin/java --version

# Install Trivy
sudo apt-get install wget apt-transport-https gnupg lsb-release -y
wget -qO - | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/trivy.gpg > /dev/null
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/trivy.gpg] $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/trivy.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install trivy -y

# Install Terraform
sudo apt install wget -y
wget -O- | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install terraform

# Install kubectl
sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl -y
curl -LO$(curl -L -s
sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
kubectl version --client

# Install AWS CLI 
curl "" -o ""
sudo apt-get install unzip -y
sudo ./aws/install

# Install Node.js 16 and npm
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/nodesource-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nodesource-archive-keyring.gpg] focal main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nodesource.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y nodejs

Check whether the versions are also installed or not.

trivy --version
terraform --version
aws --version
kubectl version
node -v
java --version

Clone the repo onto your instance

git clone
cd Eks-terraform

This changes the directory to EKS terraform files

Change your S3 bucket in the backend file

Initialize the terraform

terraform init

Validate the configuration and syntax of files

terraform validate

Plan and apply

terraform plan
terraform apply

It will take 10 minutes to create the cluster

Node group ec2 instance

Now add the remaining steps

Next, install npm dependencies

- name: NPM Install
  run: npm install # Add your specific npm install command

This step runs npm install to install Node.js dependencies. You can replace this with your specific npm install command.

- name: Install Trivy
  run: |
    # Scanning files
    trivy fs . > trivyfs.txt

This step runs Trivy to scan files. It scans the current directory (denoted by .) and redirects the output to a file named trivyfs.txt.

If you add this to the workflow, you will get below output

Create a Personal Access token for your Dockerhub account

Go to docker hub and click on your profile –> Account settings –> security –> New access token

It asks for a name Provide a name and click on generate token

Copy the token save it in a safe place, and close

Now Go to GitHub again and click on settings

Search for Secrets and variables and click on and again click on actions

It will open a page like this click on New Repository secret

Add your Dockerhub username with the secret name as

DOCKERHUB_USERNAME   #use your dockerhub username

Click on Add Secret.

Let’s add our token also and click on the new repository secret again



Paste the token that you generated and click on Add secret.

– name: Docker build and push run: | # Run commands to build and push Docker images docker build -t tic-tac-toe . docker tag tic-tac-toe sevenajay/tic-tac-toe:latest docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }} -p ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }} docker push sevenajay/tic-tac-toe:latest env: DOCKER_CLI_ACI: 1

This step builds a Docker image with specific build arguments and tags it. It also logs in to Docker Hub using the provided credentials stored in secrets and pushes the Docker image.

If you run this job now you will get below output

Image is pushed to Dockerhub


  needs: build-analyze-scan
  runs-on: self-hosted # Use your self-hosted runner label here

This section defines another job named “deploy.” It specifies that this job depends on the successful completion of the “build-analyze-scan” job. It also runs on a self-hosted runner. You should replace self-hosted with the label of your self-hosted runner.

  - name: Pull the Docker image
    run: docker pull sevenajay/tic-tac-toe:latest

This step pulls the Docker image from Docker Hub, specified by sevenajay/tic-tac-toe:latest, which was built and pushed in the previous “build-analyze-scan” job

- name: Trivy image scan
  run: trivy image sevenajay/tic-tac-toe:latest # Add Trivy scan command here

This step runs Trivy to scan the Docker image tagged as sevenajay/tic-tac-toe:latest. You should add the Trivy scan command here.

- name: Run the container
  run: docker run -d --name ticgame -p 3000:3000 sevenajay/tic-tac-toe:latest

This step runs a Docker container named “ticgame” in detached mode (-d). It maps port 3000 on the host to port 3000 in the container. It uses the Docker image tagged as sevenajay/tic-tac-toe:latest.

If you run this workflow.


Image scan report

Deployed to the container.


- name: Update kubeconfig
  run: aws eks --region <cluster-region> update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name>

This step updates the kubeconfig to configure kubectl to work with an Amazon EKS cluster in the region with the name of your cluster.

- name: Deploy to EKS
  run: kubectl apply -f deployment-service.yml

This step deploys Kubernetes resources defined in the deployment-service.yml file to the Amazon EKS cluster using kubectl apply.

Go to your Slack channel, if you don’t have create one

Go to Slack channel and create a channel for notifications

click on your name

Select Settings and Administration

Click on Manage apps

It will open a new tab, select build now

Click on create an app

Select from scratch

Provide a name for the app and select workspace and create

Select Incoming webhooks

Set incoming webhooks to on

Click on Add New webhook to workspace

Select Your channel that created for notifications and allow

It will generate a webhook URL copy it

Now come back to GitHub and click on settings

Go to secrets –> actions –> new repository secret and add

Add the below code to the workflow and commit and the workflow will start.

- name: Send a Slack Notification
  if: always()
  uses: act10ns/slack@v1
    status: ${{ job.status }}
    steps: ${{ toJson(steps) }}
    channel: '#git'

This step sends a Slack notification. It uses the act10ns/slack action and is configured to run “always,” which means it runs regardless of the job status. It sends the notification to the specified Slack channel using the webhook URL stored in secrets.

name: Build,Analyze,scan
      - main
    name: Build
    runs-on: [self-hosted]
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0  # Shallow clones should be disabled for a better relevancy of analysis
      - name: Build and analyze with SonarQube
        uses: sonarsource/sonarqube-scan-action@master
          SONAR_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}
          SONAR_HOST_URL: ${{ secrets.SONAR_HOST_URL }}
      - name: npm install dependency
        run: npm install
      - name: Trivy file scan
        run: trivy fs . > trivyfs.txt
      - name: Docker Build and push
        run: |
          docker build -t tic-tac-toe .
          docker tag tic-tac-toe sevenajay/tic-tac-toe:latest
          docker login -u ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }} -p ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}
          docker push sevenajay/tic-tac-toe:latest
          DOCKER_CLI_ACI: 1
      - name: Image scan
        run: trivy image sevenajay/tic-tac-toe:latest > trivyimage.txt
   needs: build-analyze-scan
   runs-on: [self-hosted]
      - name: docker pull image
        run: docker pull sevenajay/tic-tac-toe:latest
      - name: Image scan
        run: trivy image sevenajay/tic-tac-toe:latest > trivyimagedeploy.txt
      - name: Deploy to container
        run: docker run -d --name game -p 3000:3000 sevenajay/tic-tac-toe:latest
      - name: Update kubeconfig
        run: aws eks --region ap-south-1 update-kubeconfig --name EKS_CLOUD
      - name: Deploy to kubernetes
        run: kubectl apply -f deployment-service.yml
      - name: Send a Slack Notification
        if: always()
        uses: act10ns/slack@v1
          status: ${{ job.status }}
          steps: ${{ toJson(steps) }}
          channel: '#githubactions-eks'
          SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}

Run this workflow now

Image scan report

Deployed to the container.

Deployed to EKS

Job completed.

Let’s go to the Ec2 ssh connection

Provide this command

kubectl get all

Open the port in the security group for the Node group instance.

After that copy the external IP and paste it into the browser


name: Build,Analyze,scan
      - main
    name: Build
    runs-on: [self-hosted]
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0  # Shallow clones should be disabled for a better relevancy of analysis 
      - name: Deploy to container
        run: |
          docker stop game
          docker rm game
      - name: Update kubeconfig
        run: aws eks --region ap-south-1 update-kubeconfig --name EKS_CLOUD
      - name: Deploy to kubernetes
        run: kubectl delete -f deployment-service.yml
      - name: Send a Slack Notification
        if: always()
        uses: act10ns/slack@v1
          status: ${{ job.status }}
          steps: ${{ toJson(steps) }}
          channel: '#githubactions-eks'
          SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}

Slack Notification

It will delete the container and delete the Kubernetes deployment.

Stop the self-hosted runner.

Now go inside the TIC-TAC-TOE

To delete the Eks cluster

cd /home/ubuntu
cd Eks-terraform
terraform destroy --auto-approve

It will take 10 minutes to destroy the EKS cluster

Meanwhile, delete the Dockerhub Token

Once cluster destroys

Delete The ec2 instance and IAM role.

Delete the secrets from GitHub also.

THANKS. avatar

Ajay Kumar Yegireddi is a DevSecOps Engineer and System Administrator, with a passion for sharing real-world DevSecOps projects and tasks. Mr. Cloud Book, provides hands-on tutorials and practical insights to help others master DevSecOps tools and workflows. Content is designed to bridge the gap between development, security, and operations, making complex concepts easy to understand for both beginners and professionals.


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