Secrets to Landing a DevOps job | Episode 1

Why You’re Not Getting Hired and How to Change That

Hello everyone! My name is Ajay Kumar Yegireddi. Today, I want to talk about a topic that many of you might be facing: the struggle to land a job. I want to share my experiences and insights to help both experienced professionals and newcomers in the tech industry understand why they might not be getting hired and what they can do to improve their chances. Common Reasons for Not Getting Hired

Lack of Relevant Skills

Imagine you want to bake a cake, but you don’t know how to mix the ingredients. Similarly, if you apply for a tech job without the right skills, it’s hard to get hired. Many candidates apply for jobs without having the necessary skills that employers are looking for. For example, if you want to work in DevSecOps, you should be familiar with tools like Docker, Kubernetes, and cloud security practices. I once interviewed a candidate who was very enthusiastic but didn’t know how to use Docker, which is a crucial tool for containerization. It’s like trying to bake a cake without knowing how to use an oven! Employers want to see that you have the skills to do the job effectively.

Poor Resume and Cover Letter

Your resume is like your report card. If it’s messy and doesn’t show your best work, employers won’t be impressed. A well-crafted resume and cover letter are essential for making a good first impression. Many candidates submit generic resumes that don’t highlight their relevant experiences or achievements. For instance, I received a resume that looked like a list of random jobs without any specific details about the candidate’s accomplishments. Imagine if a student submitted a report without any details; it wouldn’t get a good grade! Tailoring your resume to the job description and showcasing your skills can make a significant difference.

Interview Skills

Think of an interview like a game. If you don’t practice, you might not know the rules. During interviews, it’s important to communicate your thoughts clearly and confidently. Many candidates are technically sound but struggle to explain their thought process during interviews. I’ve seen candidates who knew the answers to technical questions but couldn’t articulate their reasoning. It’s like knowing how to play soccer but not being able to communicate with your teammates. Practicing common interview questions and explaining your thought process can help you perform better.


Networking is like making friends. The more people you know, the more opportunities you have. Many job openings are filled through referrals and connections rather than traditional applications. Attending meetups, webinars, and connecting with professionals on platforms like LinkedIn can open doors for you. For example, I got my current job through a friend I met at a tech conference. It’s like getting invited to a party because you know someone there! Building a network can significantly increase your chances of finding job opportunities.

The Pitfalls of Copying Projects from YouTube

One common mistake many job seekers make is copying projects directly from YouTube tutorials. While these projects can be a great starting point, simply replicating them without understanding the underlying concepts won’t help you land a job. Employers want to see your unique approach and problem-solving skills. When you copy a project, you miss out on the opportunity to learn from the challenges you might face. For example, if you follow a tutorial to build a web application, you might not encounter the real-world issues that arise when deploying it. Employers are interested in how you tackle problems, what obstacles you faced, and how you overcame them. Instead of just copying, take those YouTube projects as inspiration. Use them as a foundation and then build upon them. Add your own features, improve the design, or integrate additional technologies. This way, you can demonstrate your creativity and technical skills.

The Importance of Original Projects and Open Source Contributions

To stand out in the job market, focus on creating original projects that showcase your skills. Consider contributing to open-source projects, which can set you apart from other candidates. Open-source contributions not only demonstrate your technical abilities but also show that you can collaborate with others and contribute to a community. When you work on open-source projects, you often face real-world challenges that require problem-solving and critical thinking. For instance, you might encounter bugs that need fixing or features that need enhancement. Documenting these experiences and explaining how you addressed them during interviews can significantly boost your credibility. Additionally, by working on unique projects that are not commonly found in tutorials, you can create a portfolio that truly reflects your capabilities. For example, instead of just building a simple CRUD application, consider developing a tool that automates a specific process or addresses a unique problem in your field. This will not only make your portfolio stand out but also give you valuable experiences to discuss during interviews.

What You Can Do to Improve Your Chances

  1. Upskill Continuously

Learning is like watering a plant. The more you water it, the better it grows. In the tech industry, it’s essential to keep learning and updating your skills. Instead of relying solely on specific platforms, refer to blogs, official documentation, and tutorials available online. YouTube is an excellent learning platform that offers a wealth of information on various topics. Additionally, consider listening to podcasts related to your field and exploring official books that provide in-depth knowledge. Staying updated with the latest trends in the cloud field is crucial, as technology is constantly evolving. Following the best blogs can help you understand new tools and practices. Before creating CI/CD pipelines for applications, take the time to understand the architecture of those applications. This knowledge will enable you to integrate as many tools as possible and follow best practices for CI/CD deployment. Employers appreciate candidates who can demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the entire development process.

2. Build a Portfolio

A portfolio is like a showcase of your best work. It’s where you can demonstrate your skills and projects to potential employers. Creating projects that showcase your abilities can set you apart from other candidates. For instance, I built a small application that automated security checks. When I showed it to my interviewers, they were impressed. It’s like showing your art project to your class! A strong portfolio can make a significant impact during the hiring process.

  1. Mock Interviews

Practicing interviews is like rehearsing for a play. The more you practice, the better you perform. Mock interviews can help you get comfortable with the interview format and improve your communication skills. I practiced with friends before my interviews, which helped me feel more confident. It’s similar to a singer rehearsing before a concert. The more you practice, the more prepared you will be when it’s time for the real interview.

  1. Seek Feedback

Feedback is like getting a coach’s advice. It helps you improve and grow. After interviews, don’t hesitate to ask for feedback from the interviewers. This can provide valuable insights into areas where you can improve. For example, after one of my interviews, I learned that I needed to explain my projects better. It’s like a teacher telling you how to improve your grades. Constructive feedback can guide you in your job search and help you become a stronger candidate.

Conclusion and Encouragement

To summarize, if you’re struggling to get hired, focus on building relevant skills, improving your resume, practicing your interview skills, and networking. Avoid the trap of copying projects from YouTube without adding your unique touch. Instead, create original projects and contribute to open-source initiatives to showcase your skills effectively. Remember, getting a job can be tough, but persistence is key. Keep learning, adapting, and trying. Thank you for watching! If you found this video helpful, please like, subscribe, and share your experiences in the comments below. Let’s support each other in this journey! In my next video, I’ll dive deeper into specific tools and technologies that are in demand in the DevSecOps field. Stay tuned!


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