DevOps Hands-On: Bash Script for PostgreSQL Backup & Restore | Task 1

Task – 1 Create a bash script to restore and backup a database Do the following tasks: Requirements 1. Explore ...
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Secrets to Landing a DevOps job | Episode 1

Why You’re Not Getting Hired and How to Change That Hello everyone! My name is Ajay Kumar Yegireddi. Today, I ...
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CI/CD Pipeline for Uptime-Kuma | Get Real-Time Call Alerts for Server Downtime | Open Source Monitoring

Uptime-Kuma is an open-source self-hosted monitoring tool that provides a sleek interface to track the uptime of websites, services, and ...
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Git Configuration | Day – 09

Git Configuration Managing a team of 100 developers working on a complex project can be challenging, especially when it comes ...
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How to Install Git on Windows and MacOs | day 08

There are three ways to install Git on Windows: Using the Git installer. The GUI installer wizard is available on the official ...
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What is Git ? CVCS (vs) DVCS | Day – 07

Version control systems (VCS) are essential tools in software development, akin to magical scrolls that help us manage changes, collaborate ...
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Git and GitHub Terminology | Day – 06

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, collaboration and version control are paramount. Git, a distributed version control system, and ...
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Ultimate Guide: Setting Up a Kubernetes Cluster with Master and Worker Nodes on Ubuntu 24.04 for Optimal Performance

Introduction Kubernetes is a powerful open-source platform designed to automate the deployment, scaling, and operation of application containers. In this ...
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What is JFrog Artifactory? Artifactory is a universal DevOps solution for hosting, managing, and distributing binaries and artifacts. Any type ...
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Configuring a Static Website With S3 And CloudFront

1. Go to the AWS Management Console and sign in. 2. Make sure you are in the region where you ...
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